The following information has been digitally sourced from records of the speculative sessions conducted at the Kattering Institute circa 1908 concerning the mystery of the documents marked with unique ouroboros symbols. Most represent lines of thinking and hypothesis, and not final conclusions.

Any solutions noted below (identified by a CHECK mark) are pulled from the successful work of unnamed cryptographers assisting the Kattering Institute at that time.

If any students of cryptography or this ouroboros mystery have come here for insights, the following records may be of use to you. It is recommended, however, that if you are stuck in your own work, that you take a 2-hour period of rest and contemplation before seeking your solution below.

Often times a break is all that is needed to find illumination.

We wish you the best of luck.

Mapset N076

Concerning the series of documents, namely the canvas sea chart (map) and three encoded parchment pages, we feel that first an alphabet must be created in order to translate the parchment pages.
By searching the documents for recognizable symbols or other common features, one may be able to translate that feature’s encoded symbols into common day letters. Once a few of the letters are determined, we can then apply those letter translations to the rest of the parchments, slowly building up an alphabet from there.

For example, if we take a three-symbol word of which we already know the first two of its symbols translate to A and N, then we can safely guess that the word translates to AND, giving us the meaning of the third symbol which we can then apply to other encrypted text.

This technique of translation is akin to what is called ‘frequency analysis.’
We believe the encrypted text to be the journal entries of a ship called Valore. The fully deciphered text can be found in our files [FULL DECIPHER HERE], but we strongly recommend any cryptographer working on these documents to do the translating themselves, in order to glean the finer details of the text and become familiar with the glyphs. With the pages translated, we can follow the author’s journey by plotting each of their steps on the sea chart (map). This method of navigation which we are using is known as ‘dead reckoning.’
We suggest rechecking one’s measurements, and especially angles, from the Tip of Bairn onward.
One suggestion is to work with another cryptographer, as two minds are often better than one.

However, below we list where we believe the vessel to have traveled. Again, we highly recommend any cryptographer working on these documents to skip our step-by-step solutions and to ONLY refer to them if they find themselves absolutely lost.
The ship begins at the sea port of Uberth (bottom right of the sea chart). After traveling a few days they arrive at Tuigulo.
They make their way to the Tip of Bairn.
After traveling several more days, forming a path in the shape of an upside-down question mark, they arrive near the top of the sea chart and then head east until they hit land.
The riddle makes use of wording which, we believe, holds dual meanings. We suggest trying to match these meanings to a location or marking on the map.
We believe the riddle’s use of the word ‘rose’ refers to a compass rose. The ‘northern rose’ then would indicate the compass rose at the top right of the map. Its ‘western root’ would suggest a measurement due west (not southwest).
Once we have found our solutions regarding the present affair, we reason that these extra details relate to future Mapsets & their enigmas. In short, we do not yet know their function.
Final solutions may be sent to:

Mapset N113 – Stringed Artifact, Personal Letter and Punched Cards

Regarding the first half of Mapset N113 (the stringed artifact, personal letter from 1452 and nine (9) punched cards), the Kattering Institute’s letter suggests a person to begin working with the stringed artifact.
We first recommend examining its physical form: how it might be utilized, handled or moved. If this avenue of experimentation brings no clarity, we then suggest bringing it to others to see if they can identify how it might be used. Finally, if both of these suggestions prove fruitless, we suggest research into similarly shaped devices throughout history.
Comparing it to similarly designed artifacts throughout history, we believe this device most closely resembles a thaumatrope (also known as a ‘wonder turner’). Using it in this way may bring about what our next steps are to be.
Upon initial spinning, it may be difficult to discern any legible message. We suggest spinning the device in direct light, such as under a strong lamp, and making small, quick flips instead of long spins.
With extended experimentation, we believe the message to read: NOW SEE ALL.
After strenuous trial and error, we believe these details are reserved for future Mapsets & their puzzles.
Notice that the letters forming NOW SEE ALL are very distinct in their font (shape). We recommend searching the other two documents (the letter and punched cards) for these EXACTLY shaped letters.
We suggest searching the punched cards.
We find that on each punched card there is a large, faded letter taking up the majority of the card. All assembled, we have found that each of the letters in the phrase (NOW SEE ALL) is represented on its own card.
Now we come to a pivotal point. How or where can we use the cards? It is important to note that the words NOW SEE ALL may not only be a descriptive phrase but also an order in which to use the cards. Now we must determine WHERE to use them.
We have found that the personal correspondence/letter from 1452 is divided, by its folds, into nine equal parts: three in the top row, three in the middle and three in the bottom. It is believed that the cards can be placed over top these sections.
We suggest researching how grille ciphers were historically used to reveal messages.
Placing the cards over the letter in the order of NOW in the top row, SEE in the middle, and ALL in the bottom, we can reveal any hidden messages therein.
We believe placing the cards in this way reveals the following message:  

One hundred seventeen tonnes we had in Rome,

but Queen isabella discovered

Sixty eight went west away from the rest,

which traveled north to cover

The sixty eight rode on water,

stopping naught a day

To find keep an open mind,

and follow what I say:

In the evening do not shut the eye,

so it may follow the ram in the sky

Following this clue’s instructions (notably its end), we are advised to ‘not shut the eye, so it may follow the ram in the sky.’
Since the punched cards and personal letter from 1452 both contain many matching symbols, we believe a cooperation between the two is inevitable. Therefore, we suggest finding the symbols mentioned (eye & ram) on the punched cards and attempting to align them somehow with their matching symbols on the personal letter.
We have noticed small, shaded intersecting lines throughout the personal letter, and believe these to be areas in which to place the punched cards.
Before venturing into this train of thought, we believe it helpful to look at the order of the symbols in the riddle. It reads that the ‘eye’ follows the ‘ram in the sky.’ This order must be intentional, and important to their positioning.
Locating the Astrological symbol for the ‘ram in the sky’ in the upper left area of the letter will, we think, be helpful.
When the punched cards possessing the symbols of the EYE and RAM are placed beside one another (the RAM first, and the EYE to its right), a new message can be revealed which reads:

Well done. Now find lone king of beasts,

add night-lamp's crescent to its east.

Now having two additional symbols mentioned, we believe finding the punched cards with the symbols for the ‘king of beasts’ and ‘night-lamp’s crescent’ to be important.
Having located the punched card with the Astrological symbol for the lion (Leo) as well as the card containing the crescent moon, we can place them according to the riddle. Leo may be aligned with its matching symbol in the top left area of the personal letter, and the card with the crescent moon may be added to its east (right) side, revealing a message.
If they are placed true, we have found the message reads:

Star board east of the mark of infinite lifespan,

Are the scales weighing on man.

Again, we must locate the appropriate cards and find their positioning. However, it is important to note that we have been unable to find a punched card possessing the ‘mark of infinite lifespan,’ and thus conclude this refers to where to place the other cards in the riddle.
Strangely, it seems as though the last line of this riddle holds more than we noticed at first glance. We believe it holds two symbols.
We believe this riddle alludes to the zodiac symbol of Libra (‘scales’) and the astrological symbol of Mars (‘man’), as well as their positions relative to one another.
If we can locate the ‘mark of infinite lifespan’ (the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph of the ‘ankh’), we can build our cards from there.
Having located the ‘ankh,’ the riddle speaks of ‘the scales weighing on man,’ which we believe positions the card with the zodiac symbol of Libra above the card with the astrological symbol for Mars.
The message we have uncovered is:

The crescent moon is used once more,

But is flipped and set in place of the Centaur.

We believe the punched card with the crescent moon is flipped (so as to turn it face down) and placed at the intersection of lines marked with the astrological symbol for Sagittarius (the Centaur).
Once a correct position is established, we can read:

Woman opens eye, looks east over moon and Gemini.

Again, let us pick the cards we must use. At first, we identified these as: the card with the symbol for the Roman goddess Venus, the card with the eye, the card with the moon, and the card with the astrological symbol for Gemini. However, if all four are used, they would not fit on the page, left to right. Perhaps only three are used? And if so, how might one orient them?
We found that removing the ‘woman’ card and instead using its symbol on the letter (found in the upper middle section of the letter) gave us promising results.
Placing the card containing the EYE below and to the left of the Venus symbol, we could then have it ‘look east’ over the cards with the MOON and GEMINI. This would make their order, left to right: EYE, MOON, GEMINI.
We have found:

The road before you diverges.

For kingly power turn swords to crown

But true freedom's path is turning blades into down,

You discern which is vain.

Since this new riddle contains a divergence, we have chosen to follow ‘true freedom’s path.’ Therefore, we must turn ‘blades to down.’ Chasing this concept, we believe we are dealing with two symbols: BLADES and DOWN. Since no punched card possesses a symbol for blades, we conclude this refers to a position on the letter. Finding that is our first effort.
DOWN. We must next decide upon its meaning.
We believe DOWN refers to the soft under-feathers of a bird. Therefore, the punched card containing a FEATHER will be useful.
In place of BLADES, of course. And we have found this symbol half way down the letter toward the right.
In correct position, the card reveals:

Oh, light, foe of the grim,

Go and make today less dim.

We believe we must use the punched card with a symbol for LIGHT.
We believe this symbol to be that of a SUN. Following the rhyme’s instruction, we must place this SUN card where it will ‘make today less dim.’
We believe the answer to this is simply the location of the date, written at the top right of the letter. And so we must place this card at the shaded intersection which touches the date.
The message we find is:

Who can look into a mirror

and see his brother

dies twice

Turning firstly to our punched cards, we infer this riddle to be primarily interested in the astrological symbol for twins – namely, GEMINI.
Utilizing the punched card with the astrological symbol for GEMINI, we must thus seek out clues as to where and how to orient it atop the personal letter. We believe these clues to rest within the aforementioned riddle itself.
Having closely examined the riddle, we believe we must find a symbol on the letter which references ‘dying twice.’
Finding the double ‘skull and crossbones’ near the center of the letter, we must now align our GEMINI card with its marking.
Positioning the GEMINI card appropriately, we thus conclude:

Final trial is to smite

the heart on the anvil white.

Endeavoring to keep things simple, we conclude this to instruct us to place the punched card with the HEART symbol at the point on the personal letter marked with an ‘anvil white.’
Having placed the card, we read:

Stack Polaris, Taurus, Gemini

in the center column 3 high

Following its words literally, we feel we must stack the cards possessing the symbols of Polaris (the STAR), TAURUS, and GEMINI atop one another in the center column of the personal letter.
We have found that it reveals:

You have well discovered.

To find N gold,

A feather on the 49.

But gold in the west

Found under house of light

On Graciosa.

Taken in its parts, we surmise that the first line is complimenting our progress and wit. The second line denotes instructions on how to locate the ‘N’ (northern) gold mentioned in the very first message revealed. It’s beginning lines are posted below for reminder:

One hundred seventeen tonnes we had in Rome,

but Queen Isabella discovered

Sixty eight went west away from the rest,

which traveled north to cover

The final lines of our riddle appear to be literal, telling us that we can find the ‘gold in the west’ (we assume this to be the ‘Sixty eight went west away from the rest’ mentioned above) ‘under house of light On Graciosa.’

This we believe to be referencing the ancient lighthouse built in the 15th century on the island of Graciosa in the Azores. More research and even archaeological excavation may be necessary to confirm.
The riddle speaks of ‘A feather on the 49.’ We thus infer that we must again use the punched card containing the feather, and align it on the letter with ‘49.’
We believe we must search the letter for this enigmatic ‘49.’
Several numbers on the letter are denoted in Roman numerals. We suggest starting with those.
Searching the Roman numerals for our ‘49,’ we deduce that the ‘XLIX’ located in the middle left area of the letter is the one we seek.
Utilizing the FEATHER card, we unveil:

To find northern boon,

Man rides bull over moon

First, we believe the ‘northern boon’ to be the ‘N gold’ which ‘traveled north to cover.’ Second, to find it we must somehow use the punched cards in a way that utilizes ‘Man rides bull over moon.’

Again, starting by collecting the cards required is a good place to begin (MARS symbol for ‘man,’ TAURUS symbol for ‘bull,’ and the ‘crescent moon’).
We believe using these cards together somehow, WITHOUT the aid of the personal letter, is important.
We suggest trying to combine the three cards physically.
We recommend trying to take the riddle literally, by stacking, on top of one another, in this order: MAN, BULL and MOON (causing the MAN to ‘ride’ the BULL atop the MOON).
To check their accuracy, final solutions may be sent to:

Mapset N113 – Caribbean Sea Chart and Maya Codex

Regarding the second half of N113 (the Caribbean sea chart and Maya codex), the Kattering Institute’s letter suggests a person ‘begin at the beginning.’
We believe it to refer to the text positioned at the top left of the sea chart (map) of the Caribbean.
We believe it is a riddle describing the next step to take, namely to examine the illustrations of the eagle and the monkeys, taking special note of what they are holding.
We believe the items these animals hold (the eagle holding the anchor and axe, the monkeys the Greek symbols for alpha and omega) direct one to find them on the Maya codex and utilize them somehow.
The combinations suggest that these symbols are to be joined, physically, on the codex by connecting their folded edges. This should create two messages, which are to be placed in the order instructed in the initial ‘In the beginning…’ text.
We theorize that the two riddles (‘O latitudes if ye be music, roses be thy notes’) refer to the latitude lines and compass roses found on the large Caribbean sea chart (map).
If the latitude lines were literally used as lines on a sheet of music, then the location of the compass roses on these lines would create musical notes.
If they are musical notes, they would spell DEAF BABE.
We believe that, if we are accurate up until now, the DEAF BABE phrase directs one to the drawing of the three cherubs/children at the bottom left corner of the sea chart.
The DEAF BABE suggests the cherub covering its ears.
Translated from the Latin, the text below the three cherubs reads GOLD, SKY and BLOOD. The phrase at the bottom translates to THREE PATHS. Therefore, we believe the path which is to be focused on here is the PATH of BLOOD (since it is the word located alongside the DEAF BABE).
If PATH is to be taken literally, a search of the Maya codex and Caribbean sea chart must be undertaken in order to locate sections or markings denoting a ‘path.’
One highly likely place is the illustration of a man located at the top of the first panel of the Maya codex (the one holding a staff) who is walking above a series of footprints.
Following the train of thought that we are seeking a PATH of BLOOD, we can try associating this idea with the symbols below the walking character – specifically the RED symbols.
Since the symbols are organized in a grid pattern, it may be useful to seek a similarly organized pattern on either the Maya codex or Caribbean sea chart. This would be especially helpful if the pattern we find held another indication noting it is associated with the initial grid of colored symbols.
We believe the grid of numbers located at the top right of the Caribbean sea chart is what we are looking for, especially since there is a ‘foot’ symbol beside it.
If we are to utilize only the RED symbols in the colored grid, we could apply them to the grid of letters located on the Caribbean sea chart, pulling out the correct letters.
If the RED symbols are used to match, it would denote the following letters: FINISHFIBONACCI. We believe this spells two distinct words.
Separated into two words, we believe this reads: FINISH FIBONACCI.
Fibonacci is the name of an Italian mathematician (originally known as Leonardo of Pisa) who developed a mathematical sequence in which numbers form a spiral pattern.

If this pattern directs us to our next step, then we must seek a spiral somewhere in the Maya codex or Caribbean sea chart.
After searching for some time, we believe we have located the spiral. In the top right of the Caribbean sea chart, several numbers are printed in a spiral.
If begun at the center, the numbers follow the Fibonacci sequence. All one must do from there is follow the shape and FINISH FIBONACCI (meaning to determine what the last, missing number is in the stated sequence).
We believe the last, missing number to be 1597.
1597 must refer to something found on either the Maya codex or Caribbean sea chart. We suggest searching both in detail for this number.
Searching the documents, we find the number 1597 appears only once: at the bottom right of the Caribbean sea chart in the box listing the creators of the sea chart and their superiors.
Noticing that seven of the words are written in bold, we read: KING TO COSMOGRAPHER, GENERAL TO EL BAILARIN.
First, we translate EL BAILARIN from the Spanish to mean DANCER. Thus it reads: KING TO COSMOGRAPHER, GENERAL TO DANCER. Therefore, we must seek out words or symbols relating to these terms.
We believe this refers to four of the seven illustrated characters located on the side of the codex containing the grid of colored symbols.
Following the bolded words we discerned previously (KING TO COSMOGRAPHER, GENERAL TO EL BAILARIN), we could determine which of the characters they denote.
Our best determination is that KING refers to the illustrated character located in the middle of the second panel (half way down it), COSMOGRAPHER designates the character at the bottom of the third panel surrounded by the phases of the moon, GENERAL describes the character at the top of the second panel holding the two, upside-down spears, and DANCER means the character halfway down the third panel who is painted in blue.
Our hypothesis is that we must utilize the black lines and dots beside each of these characters.
Take a moment to look over the two columns of lines and dots located beside the character walking over the grid of colored symbols (on the first panel of the Maya codex). We believe these lines and dots are how the Maya wrote numbers in their language.
Going back to the four images of the KING, COSMOGRAPHER, GENERAL and DANCER, we can now translate the stacks of Maya numbers beside them. After we have done so, perhaps simple mathematical addition will create a sum below each stack?
Here we have found a definite challenge. Which of the sums are we to focus on? After all, we now have four sums beside each of the illustrated characters. There must be a way to determine which are important.

We suggest looking for some instruction located on this side of the Maya codex.
Each stack of Maya numbers beside the illustrated characters rests above one of four symbols. We believe these symbols, left to right, to be: a jaguar, a quetzal (a type of bird), a bat and a boy. We suggest looking for these symbols elsewhere on the Maya codex and Caribbean sea chart.
We have located these symbols once on the Caribbean sea chart (at its four corners), and again on the Maya codex at the top of its second panel.

Seeing that the symbols at the top of the second panel appear in a definite order, and since we have been primarily examining the codex at this time, we recommend beginning with them.

These symbols are separated into two sets by a middle divider, and between each set is a symbol seemingly denoting a direction: left to right.

Thus we believe we can use this order to determine which of the sums at the bottom of the number stacks we are to use, and in what order.
Putting all of this together, we now know which sets of numbers to use and in what order (KING to COSMOGRAPHER, GENERAL to DANCER), and which of the sums in those sets to use (jaguar=62 to quetzal=90, bat=47 to boy=37).

We can now apply this knowledge to the symbols at the four corners of the Caribbean sea chart.
Utilizing the sums in the order we discovered, we can first plot our jaguar sum (62) on its ruler (across the top of the sea chart). We can do the same for its partner sum, the quetzal (90), along its bottom ruler. Connecting the two, we have created a line across the sea chart, North to South.

We can do the same for the bat (47) on the left ruler, and the boy on the right ruler. Connecting these points makes a line across the sea chart, West to East.

Using these two lines to form an X, we can determine the final location we are seeking in this Maya codex/Caribbean sea chart half of the Mapset N113 puzzle.
After strenuous trial, we believe these details are reserved for future Mapsets & their puzzles.
To check their accuracy, final solutions may be sent to: